

What's the Buzz on Native Plants?

This event has ended
Tuesday, November 19th, 2024
to (Central Time)
Carnegie-Stout Library Auditorium, 360 W 11th St, Dubuque, IA, 52001 Map

Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Public Restroom

If you are interested in learning more about native plants, or want to share your knowledge and expertise, please come to an informational meeting on how you can do that. Join members of the Wild Ones Tri-State Driftless Chapter, a local non-profit chapter of the National Wild Ones, as we talk about how you can increase your knowledge of these important plants and the community they support. After a short presentation about our organization, we will have an open discussion. Have a question about native plants? Have some comments or pictures you want to share? What would you like to learn? This is the place to be.

This is a free event and no reservations are required. If you have questions please contact Wild Ones Tri-state Driftless Chapter at:  [email protected]

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